--- Day 22: Monkey Market ---
As you're all teleported deep into the jungle, a monkey steals The Historians' device! You'll need to get it back while The Historians are looking for the Chief.
The monkey that stole the device seems willing to trade it, but only in exchange for an absurd number of bananas. Your only option is to buy bananas on the Monkey Exchange Market.
You aren't sure how the Monkey Exchange Market works, but one of The Historians senses trouble and comes over to help. Apparently, they've been studying these monkeys for a while and have deciphered their secrets.
Today, the Market is full of monkeys buying good hiding spots. Fortunately, because of the time you recently spent in this jungle, you know lots of good hiding spots you can sell! If you sell enough hiding spots, you should be able to get enough bananas to buy the device back.
On the Market, the buyers seem to use random prices, but their prices are actually only pseudorandom! If you know the secret of how they pick their prices, you can wait for the perfect time to sell.
The part about secrets is literal, the Historian explains. Each buyer produces a pseudorandom sequence of secret numbers where each secret is derived from the previous.
In particular, each buyer's secret number evolves into the next secret number in the sequence via the following process:
- Calculate the result of multiplying the secret number by
. Then, mix this result into the secret number. Finally, prune the secret number.- Calculate the result of dividing the secret number by
. Round the result down to the nearest integer. Then, mix this result into the secret number. Finally, prune the secret number.- Calculate the result of multiplying the secret number by
. Then, mix this result into the secret number. Finally, prune the secret number.Each step of the above process involves mixing and pruning:
- To mix a value into the secret number, calculate the bitwise XOR of the given value and the secret number. Then, the secret number becomes the result of that operation. (If the secret number is
and you were to mix15
into the secret number, the secret number would become37
.)- To prune the secret number, calculate the value of the secret number modulo
. Then, the secret number becomes the result of that operation. (If the secret number is100000000
and you were to prune the secret number, the secret number would become16113920
.)After this process completes, the buyer is left with the next secret number in the sequence. The buyer can repeat this process as many times as necessary to produce more secret numbers.
So, if a buyer had a secret number of
, that buyer's next ten secret numbers would be:15887950 16495136 527345 704524 1553684 12683156 11100544 12249484 7753432 5908254
Each buyer uses their own secret number when choosing their price, so it's important to be able to predict the sequence of secret numbers for each buyer. Fortunately, the Historian's research has uncovered the initial secret number of each buyer (your puzzle input). For example:
1 10 100 2024
This list describes the initial secret number of four different secret-hiding-spot-buyers on the Monkey Exchange Market. If you can simulate secret numbers from each buyer, you'll be able to predict all of their future prices.
In a single day, buyers each have time to generate
new secret numbers. In this example, for each buyer, their initial secret number and the 2000th new secret number they would generate are:1: 8685429 10: 4700978 100: 15273692 2024: 8667524
Adding up the 2000th new secret number for each buyer produces
.For each buyer, simulate the creation of 2000 new secret numbers. What is the sum of the 2000th secret number generated by each buyer?
First, read the input and convert to numbers.
show nums: "J"$read0 `22.txt 1 10 100 2024
Now, we can see that all operations are done mod 16777216. This is 2^24, so instead we store the numbers as 24 bit values. The 1=
is to cast to booleans.
show flip nums: 1=(24#2) vs "J"$read0 `22.txt 000000000000000000001010b 000000000000000001100100b 000000000000011111101000b
Having our values as a boolean matrix allows us to apply the operations on all numbers at once.
The evolution process has 3 steps:
Let's define a function that does one step. We can use xprev to do the shifting, and pad.
3 xprev nums
We will need to reshape however, so the empty arrays become arrays of 0s.
The XOR is equivalent to not equals.
The full function becomes:
step: {y<>count[first y]#'x xprev y}
Now, we can find the next number by doing the three steps.
2 sv step[-11] step[5] step[-6] 1=(24#2) vs 123 ,15887950
Now, apply this 2000 times. We keep the intermediate results, but use the last one.
show last res:2000{step[-11] step[5] step[-6] x}\nums 1011b 0110b 0010b 0000b 0010b 1101b 0100b 0110b 1100b 0001b 0100b 0100b 0110b 1010b 1110b 1101b 0011b 1010b 1100b 1110b 0010b 1011b ..
The part 1 result is the sum of the decoded values.
sum 2 sv last res 37327623
--- Part Two ---
Of course, the secret numbers aren't the prices each buyer is offering! That would be ridiculous. Instead, the prices the buyer offers are just the ones digit of each of their secret numbers.
So, if a buyer starts with a secret number of
, that buyer's first ten prices would be:3 (from 123) 0 (from 15887950) 6 (from 16495136) 5 (etc.) 4 4 6 4 4 2
This price is the number of bananas that buyer is offering in exchange for your information about a new hiding spot. However, you still don't speak monkey, so you can't negotiate with the buyers directly. The Historian speaks a little, but not enough to negotiate; instead, he can ask another monkey to negotiate on your behalf.
Unfortunately, the monkey only knows how to decide when to sell by looking at the changes in price. Specifically, the monkey will only look for a specific sequence of four consecutive changes in price, then immediately sell when it sees that sequence.
So, if a buyer starts with a secret number of
, that buyer's first ten secret numbers, prices, and the associated changes would be:123: 3 15887950: 0 (-3) 16495136: 6 (6) 527345: 5 (-1) 704524: 4 (-1) 1553684: 4 (0) 12683156: 6 (2) 11100544: 4 (-2) 12249484: 4 (0) 7753432: 2 (-2)
Note that the first price has no associated change because there was no previous price to compare it with.
In this short example, within just these first few prices, the highest price will be
, so it would be nice to give the monkey instructions that would make it sell at that time. The first6
occurs after only two changes, so there's no way to instruct the monkey to sell then, but the second6
occurs after the changes-1,-1,0,2
. So, if you gave the monkey that sequence of changes, it would wait until the first time it sees that sequence and then immediately sell your hiding spot information at the current price, winning you6
bananas.Each buyer only wants to buy one hiding spot, so after the hiding spot is sold, the monkey will move on to the next buyer. If the monkey never hears that sequence of price changes from a buyer, the monkey will never sell, and will instead just move on to the next buyer.
Worse, you can only give the monkey a single sequence of four price changes to look for. You can't change the sequence between buyers.
You're going to need as many bananas as possible, so you'll need to determine which sequence of four price changes will cause the monkey to get you the most bananas overall. Each buyer is going to generate
secret numbers after their initial secret number, so, for each buyer, you'll have2000
price changes in which your sequence can occur.Suppose the initial secret number of each buyer is:
1 2 3 2024
There are many sequences of four price changes you could tell the monkey, but for these four buyers, the sequence that will get you the most bananas is
. Using that sequence, the monkey will make the following sales:
- For the buyer with an initial secret number of
, changes-2,1,-1,3
first occur when the price is7
.- For the buyer with initial secret
, changes-2,1,-1,3
first occur when the price is7
.- For the buyer with initial secret
, the change sequence-2,1,-1,3
does not occur in the first 2000 changes.- For the buyer starting with
, changes-2,1,-1,3
first occur when the price is9
.So, by asking the monkey to sell the first time each buyer's prices go down
, then up1
, then down1
, then up3
, you would get23
(7 + 7 + 9
) bananas!Figure out the best sequence to tell the monkey so that by looking for that same sequence of changes in every buyer's future prices, you get the most bananas in total. What is the most bananas you can get?
Now we want to decode the values, and take the last digit.
mod[2 sv'res; 10] 1 0 0 4 3 0 7 9 3 2 4 5 9 7 3 3 5 6 7 4 9 3 8 3 0 3 0 1 5 9 2 6 9 0 8 3 7 6 2 7 2 7 8 0 0 2 6 9 1 3 7 9 3 2 7 2 9 6 0 6 8 3 3 9 5 6 3 0 7 8 6 9 6 5 0 8 6 8 8 8 9 3 8 1 3 0 9 2 ..
We want to find patterns of 4 deltas. We do this by applying prev 3 times.
3 prev\ deltas mod[2 sv'res;10] 1 0 0 4 2 0 7 5 0 2 -3 -4 6 5 -1 -2 -4 -1 4 1 4 -3 1 -1 -9 0 .. `long$() 1 0 0 4 2 0 7 5 0 2 -3 -4 6 5 -1 -2 -4 -1 4 1 4 -3 .. `long$() `long$() 1 0 0 4 2 0 7 5 0 2 -3 -4 6 5 -1 -2 -4 -1.. `long$() `long$() `long$() 1 0 0 4 2 0 7 5 0 2 -3 -4 6 5 -..
We drop 3 values from each of these. Then, we can encode 4 values into a single integer by adding 10 and using 20 sv
20 sv 10+3_'3 prev\ deltas mod[2 sv'res;10] 132251 125010 75150 66714 54612 78250 115757 91335 114730 59912 93787 76566 13736 82995 20689 67828 120686 132149 97034 123391 118034 14607 132851 62169 69901 128730 38642 115108 43495 94436 129932 29755 66174 44721 70496 153487 91308 90236 91524 87674 100565 76511 84576 28383 133028 115825 28228 113419 78651 61791 105411 109670 59932 107089 85270 13483 98996 101354 108263 152674 76949 61067 37413 79633 83847 107053 145870 83981 108192 45352 87293 28199 37409 58267 92364 89409 113870 114913 12618 124470 69693 125745 88630 70223 59484 78287 108431 115511
Now, pair this up with the original values. We sum the dictionaries, and then find the maximal sum.
{show x; max x} sum {(flip 20 sv 10+3_'3 prev\deltas x)!'flip 3_x} mod[2 sv'res;10] 132251| 9 54612 | 9 114730| 16 13736 | 0 120686| 5 118034| 9 69901 | 7 43495 | 2 66174 | 0 91308 | 1 100565| 3 133028| 9 78651 | 8 59932 | 5 98996 | 7 76949 | 6 83847 | 9 108192| 9 37409 | 3 113870| 7 69693 | 5 59484 | 2 .. 24
nums: 1=(24#2) vs "J"$read0 `:i/22t.txt
step: {y<>count[first y]#'x xprev y}
sum 2 sv last res:2000{step[-11] step[5] step[-6] x}\nums
max sum {(flip 20 sv 10+3_'3 prev\deltas x)!'flip 3_x} mod[2 sv'res;10]